Research Themes

UBC Dentistry researchers have established four themes representing approximately 40 faculty members engaged in research and highlighting the Faculty’s diverse research enterprise, which spans basic science to clinical and translational research. The division of these themes is fluid, as many investigators collaborate across themes and identify their research focus in multiple areas.

Clinical Research, Technology Transfer & Dental Materials Sciences Cluster

Clinical Research

Studies under this theme are used to improve diagnosis and treatment of dental and craniofacial disorders.

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Community & Educational Research Cluster

Public Health and Education Research

Studies under this theme focus on preventing and controlling dental and craniofacial diseases, promoting oral health and advancing oral health education, curriculum development and educational policy.

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CODED Cluster

Craniofacial Development and Preclinical Disease Models

Researchers in this theme are focused on fundamental research and are studying the craniofacial development of embryos, including the impact of genetics and the surrounding environment, to develop models that will help diagnose and treat developmental diseases from cleft palate to autism.

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iMatrix Cluster

Matrix Biology, Infection, Immunity and Biomaterials Research

Studies under this theme focus on mechanisms behind inflammatory and infectious processes and how to treat them with advanced biomaterials and precision drugs.

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