Dr. Rucker’s Research

Research Interests

Ergonomics; clinical simulation (clinical hardware); clinical simulation (computer software); surgical magnification; surgical telescopes; clinical hypnosis

ADEA Clinical Simulation Symposium 2002 Presentations

  • Lance Rucker – Introduction to the SIG Symposium
  • Michael Belenky University of Maryland
  • Robert Comer – Medical College of Georgia
  • Patricia Campbell – Tufts University
  • Stanley Kogon – University of Western Ontario

Collaborative Participation

  • WHO International Collaborative Project for Performance Simulation Training in Oral Health Care
    • University of Maryland, Baltimore Dental School (Dr. M. Belenky)
    • Health, Perfomance, and Informatics Institute (Dr. D. Beach)

Selected Publications

Rucker, L.M., Foster, S.F. and Belenky, M.M. “The Theoretical Basis for Mo: An Introduction for Computer Programmes and Systems”, Consultants to W.H.O., requested as international collaborative reference report by the World Health Organization Oral Health Unit, 14 pp., 1984.

Rucker, L.M. “Prosthetic Treatment for the Patient with Uncontrolled Grand Mal Epileptic Seizures”, J. of Spec. Care in Dent. 5(5):206-207, 1985.

Belenky, M.M., Rucker, L.M. and Kawamura, Y. “Application of Numeric Terms and Performance Simulation in Dentistry”, J. Int. Coll. of Dent. 17(1):103-116, 1986.

Rucker, L.M., Ed. “Second North American Workshop On Performance Logic and Numeric Terminology in Dental Education”, 58 pp., June 23-25, 1986.

Boyd, M.A. and Rucker, L.M. “Effects of Immediate Introduction of Indirect Vision on Performance and Posture”, J. Dent. Educ. 51(2):98-101, 1987.

Rucker, L.M. “Performance Simulation: The Method”, J. Res. in Educ. ED4:276-350, 1987.

Rucker, L.M., Foster, S. and Belenky, M.M. “A Three-Digit Label Set for Specifying Points on the Hand”, J. Dent. Educ. 51(4):195-197, 1987.

Rucker, L.M., Richter, W., MacEntee, M.I. and Richardson, A.S. “Porcelain and Resin Veneers: Clinically Evaluated 2-Year Results”, JADA 121(5):594-596, 1990.

Rucker, L.M., Gibson, G. and McGregor, C. “Getting the ‘Feel’ of It: The Non-Visual Component of Psychomotor Control in Dentistry”, CDA Journal 56(10):937-941, 1990.

Rucker, L.M., Richter, W., MacEntee, M.I. and Richardson, A.S. “Porcelain and Resin Veneers”, CDA Journal 57(4):252, 1991.

Ito, Y., Rucker, L.M., Hashimoto, K. and Takehana, S. “Palpation as a Method for Evaluating Occlusal Discrepancies”, J. Oral Rehabil. 18(6):563-568, November 1991.

Ito, Y., Rucker, L.M. and Takehana, S. “Application of Balance Index Standards”, Aichi-Gakuin Dental Sci. 4(1):65-74, 1991.

Nakamura, K., Ito, Y., Fujii, Y., Tsukamoto, N., Takehana, S. and Rucker, L.M. “Posture in Crown and Bridge Work. Part 1: Posture, Subjective Fatigue and Technical Assessment During Preparation for a Full Veneer Crown”, J. Jap. Assoc. Dent. Ed. 8(2):196-200, 1993.

Rucker, L.M. “Ergonomics as a Buzzword”, ADVANCE Journal (for Directors in Rehabilitation) 3(7): August 16-18, 1994.

Rucker, L.M., Hoyle, K. and Hepworth, A. “Rotating Plane Keyboard”, U.S. PATENT #727,810, Priority Date July 6, 1991, Publication January 1994, U.S. Government Printing Office, 48 pp.

Rucker, L.M. “Let There Be Light — But Where Should It Be?”, Bulletin of the College of Dental Surgeons of B.C. 14:13, 1996.

Rucker, L.M. “Let There Be Light — But Where Should It Be?”, Newsletter of the Open Learning Agency Dental Assisting Program, February 1996.

Rucker, L.M. “The Off-Handed Complement: When Left-Handed and Right-Handed Dental Personnel Work Together”, Bulletin of the College of Dental Surgeons of B.C. 15:10, 1996.

Rucker, L.M. “Back to Basics: The Ten Rules of Clinical Hypnosis”, Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (B.C.) Entrancing News 4:5-6, Fall 1996.

Rucker, L.M. “Hypnosis in Clinical Dentistry: A Natural Response to an Unnatural Act (Part I)”, Can. Soc. Clin. Hypn. (B.C.) Entrancing News 1-5, Fall 1996.

Rucker, L.M. “Hypnosis in Clinical Dentistry: A Natural Response to an Unnatural Act (Part II)”, Can. Soc. Clin. Hypn. (B.C.) Entrancing News 2-3, Winter 1996.

Rucker, L.M. “Hypnosis in Clinical Dentistry: A Natural Response to an Unnatural Act (Part III)”, Can. Soc. Clin. Hypn. (B.C.) Entrancing News 4-6, Spring 1997.

Rucker, L.M. “The UBC Faculty of Dentistry on the World Wide Web”, Good Impressions: The Newsletter of the UBC Faculty of Dentistry 9:1, Winter 1997.

Rucker, L.M. “Surgical Magnification: Posture Maker or Posture Breaker?”, In Ergonomics and the Dental Care Worker, Murphy, D.C., Ed., Chapter 8, APHA, pp. 191-216, 1998.

Rucker, L.M. and Boyd, M.A. “Optimizing Dental Operatory Working Environments”, In Ergonomics and the Dental Care Worker, Murphy, D.C., Ed., Chapter 12, APHA, pp. 301-318, 1998.

Rucker, L.M. “Removing the ‘Pre’ From ‘Preclinical’: Learning Clinical Simulation Skills In the Clinic”, International Union of Schools of Oral Health 12(12):9-13, December 1998.

Rucker, L.M., Beattie, C., McGregor, C., Sunell, S. and Ito, Y. “Declination Angle and Its Role in Selecting Surgical Telescopes”, JADA 130(7):1096-1100, 1999.

Rucker, L.M., Beattie, C., McGregor, C., Sunell, S. and Ito, Y. “Declination Angle: A Key Factor in Selection of a Surgical Telescope”, Dental Abstracts 44(6):254-255, November/December 1999.

Rucker, L.M. “Let There Be Light”, Dental Hygiene Notes 3:4, November/December 1999.

Belenky, M. and Rucker, L.M. “The Infinity of Opportunity: Breaking Barriers to Technological Change in Dentistry”, J. Am. Coll. Dent. 67(2):23-25, 2000.

Rucker, L.M. “Technology Meets Ergonomics in the Dental Clinic: New Toys for Old Games?”, J. Am. Coll. Dent. 67(2):26-29, 2000.

Rucker, L.M. “Taking It to the Max: How the Patient’s Maxilla Controls the Clinician’s Body Posture”, Am. Stud. Dent. Assoc. News 30(5):3, 2000.

Rucker, L.M., Beattie, C., McGregor, C., Sunell, S. and Ito, Y. “Declinacion para los telescopos clinicos”, Dental Abstracts en Español 36(4):221-222, 2000.

Rucker, L.M. and Sunell, S. “Musculoskeletal Health Status in B.C. Dentists and Dental Hygienists: Evaluating the Preventive Impact of Surgical Ergonomics Training and Surgical Magnification”, Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia, 258 pp., November 2000.

Rucker, L.M. “The Practice of Dentistry Can Be A Real Pain (Now We Know It Doesn’t Have To Be So)”, Good Impressions: The Newsletter of the UBC Faculty of Dentistry 27:6-7, Summer 2001.

Rucker, L.M. and Sunell, S. “Ergonomic Risk Factors Associated with Clinical Dentistry”, J. Calif. Dent. Assoc. 30(2):139-148, 2002.

Published Abstracts

Boyd, M.A. and Rucker, L.M. “Learning Indirect Vision Skills”, J. Dent. Educ. 49(1):52, 1985.

Rucker, L.M., Richter, W. and Beattie, C. “Fine Visual Acuity and the Performance Simulation Setting”, J. Dent. Educ. 49(1):86, 1985.

Rucker, L.M., Belenky, M.M. and Foster, S. “Handpoint Specification Using a Logical Three-Digit Label Set”, J. Dent. Educ. 50(1):45-46, 1986.

Rucker, L.M. and Belenky, M.M. “Performance Simulation Training and Its Application to Preclinical Education: Logic and Methodology”, J. Dent. Educ. 50(1):21, 1986.

Rucker, L.M., Richter, W., MacEntee, M.I. and Richardson, A.S. “Clinical Evaluation of Porcelain and Resin Veneers: Two Year Results”, J. Dent. Res. 68(Special Issue):249, Abstract #545, 1989.

Rucker, L.M., Beattie, C., McGregor, C. and Ito, Y. “Use of Surgical Telescopes Throughout Clinical Simulation and Clinical Education”, J. Dent. Educ. (55)1:31, 1991.

Rucker, L.M. and Ito, Y. “Peak Performance Training Methods for Preclinical Psychomotor Dental Education”, J. Dent. Educ. 55(1):58, Abstract #15, 1991.

Rucker, L.M., Gibson, G. and McGregor, C. “The Non-visual Component of Dimensional Accuracy During Operative Tooth Preparation”, J. Dent. Educ. 55(1):96, Abstract #76, 1991.

Rucker, L.M., McGregor, C., Woo, G. and Leong, Y.-M. “Effects of Low-Magnification Surgical Telescopes on Preclinical Operative Dental Performance”, J. Dent. Educ. 56(1):34, Abstract #12, 1992.

Rucker, L.M., McGregor, C. and Bradey, B. “Imagery Training in Preclinical Psychomotor Dental Education: A Two-Year Update”, J. Dent. Educ. 56(1):39, Abstract #31, 1992.

Burton, J.F. and Rucker, L.M. “The Use of Magnification Devices in Dentistry: A Survey of Dental Practitioners”, International Association for Dental Research Asia-Pacific Region Divisional Meeting, Singapore, 1993.

Rucker, L.M. and McGregor, C. “Performance Logic and Performance Simulation: A Decade of Progress”, J. Dent. Educ. 57(2):97, 1993.

Rucker, L.M. and McGregor, C. “Surgical Magnification in Clinical Simulation: Enhanced Visual Control of Performance”, J. Dent. Educ. 60(2):122, 1996.

Coil, J.M., Rosang, V.S., Wong, E.J., Ruse, N.D. and Rucker, L.M. “Comparison of Time Required for Sonic versus Ultrasonic Retro-cavity Preparation”, J. Dent. Res. 78(Special Issue):384, Abstract #2230, 1999.

Rosang, V.S., Wong, E.J., Rucker, L.M., Ruse, N.D. and Coil, J.M. “Comparison of Micro Crack Generation during Sonic and Ultrasonic Retro-cavity Preparation”, J. Dent. Res. 78(Special Issue):384, Abstract #2231, 1999.

Ito, Y., Takeichi, T, and Rucker, L.M. “Neuroendocrine Responses during the Application of Occlusal Appliances” J. Dent. Res. 80(Special Issue):147, Abstract #889, 2001.

Rucker, L.M. “The Ergonomics of Stomatology: Profiles of High-Risk Clinical Practices and How to Avoid Them”, Stomatological Advances of the XXI Century, National Conference of the Polish Dental Society, Poznan, Poland, Abstract VI, April 6, 2001.

Catherall, J., Luu, P., Rucker, L.M. and Chehroudi, B. “Application of 3-dimensional Imaging and Virtual Reality in Teaching and Learning Restorative Dentistry”, J. Dent. Educ. 66(2):259, 2002.