Student Resources

Office of Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs holds integrity, compassion, and transparency as the core values that shape our decisions. We aim to foster a safe and inclusive environment where all UBC Dentistry students can discover diverse opportunities that engage and challenge them.

Contact Information

Dr. Zul Kanji
Director of Admissions and Student Affairs

Lisa John
FoD Embedded Counsellor

Student Affairs
Team members are readily accessible during business hours

24/7 Support

Here2Talk Crisis Centre BC

Information for Incoming Students

Information for Incoming Students – This page contains information for DMD, DH, Dental Hygiene Degree Completion and Graduate students. Though geared towards incoming students, the information on this page may be useful to all – even if it is not your first year! 

Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing – If you are looking for support to improve your wellbeing or to learn more about how wellbeing affects different dimensions in your life, check out our Student Wellbeing page. Here, you will also find information regarding health and safety, along with many resources, including mental health, sexual violence, and general health and safety.

Student Information

Indigenous Students The Indigenous Student Resources section provides information for Indigenous students on program advising and more.

International Students Here, you can find information for international students, including guides on immigration, taxes, working, health insurance, and more.

Student Housing – To learn more about student housing, check out this page.

Centre for Accessibility – Through this link, you can access disability-related accommodations related to examinations, housing, funding, and more.

Student Support

COVID-19 ResourcesThis page contains financial information and additional resources to help students during these challenging times.

Financial ResourcesThe Financial Resources page provides readers with information about financial funds, financial aid, and additional resources for students.

Study ResourcesIf you are looking for study tips, learning resources, or are seeking to improve your academic performance, this page has some great information to help you succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQ – This section contains answers to some of your frequently asked questions.