DMD Domestic Student Fees

Projected Costs for 2025


Fees First Year DMD Second Year DMD Third Year DMD Fourth Year DMD
Tuition1 $20,803.21 $20,803.21 $20,803.21 $20,803.21
Clinic Fee2 $33,943.25 $33,943.25 $33,943.25 $33,943.25
UBC Student Levied Fees3 $1,341.46 $1,341.46 $1,341.46 $1,341.46
Patient Innovation Fee $4,282.50 $4,282.50 $4,282.50 $4,282.50
Program Fee4 $2,575.50 $2,575.50 $2,575.50 $2,575.50
UBC Student Health Immunization Review $167.00
Total Required: $63,760.05 $63,091.20 $62,945.92 $62,945.92
Other Related Costs:
CPR Certification/re-certification $60.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00
Textbooks (estimate including optional e-books) $2,100.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Surgical Telescopes (loupes) and lights $1,750.00
Camera (estimate) $350.00
Clinical Attire: (white shoes, face shields, cloth caps, scrubs) $845.00
Blood Pressure cuffs $120.00
Articulator Purchase5 $1,650.00
Microsurveyor6 $550.00
DENT410 materials $80.00 $80.00
Pacific Dental Conference Registration Fee $50.00
NDEB Certification Fee $2,500.00
Accident Insurance (optional but recommended) $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
Total Optional/Other: $5,312.00 $3,842.00 $1,062.00 $3,612.00


All fees subject to change without notice; this document is intended as a guide for future planning.
1. Confirmed for 2025W by the UBC Board of Governors.

2. Clinic Fee comprises part of your Tuition; it is based on cost of clinic operation, and is amortized over the program. Tuition/Clinic fees are tax deductible.

3. Students may opt out of certain AMS fees. Please see the UBC Calendar for details.

4. Program Fee covers Educational/Lab experiences, including Anatomy lab, sim lab/digital dentistry operations.

5. During the first year, students will receive more information regarding articulator purchase, and the class may arrange a group purchase through WhipMix. The cost for August 2023 was $1,629 Canadian.

6. Microsurveyors are used in the Module- Partial Removable Dental Prostheses (PRPD). The instructor reports that the microsurveyors used in the program are not longer being manufactured, but many students will be able to obtain them from upper year students.


Projected costs for future years:

AMS Fees

For AMS fees cost breakdown, visit the Student Fees Section in the UBC Calendar.


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