March 6, 2015
At the annual College of Dental Surgeons of BC (CDSBC) awards ceremony held on March 5, 2015, 13 individuals were recognized for their contributions to the College.
UBC Dentistry alumni and faculty members were well represented among the award winners.
Honoured Member Award
The Honoured Member Award is presented to individuals who have made remarkable, broad-based contributions to CDSBC over a substantial period of time, having significant impact on the College. This year’s UBC Dentistry-affiliated awardee is:
- Dr. Myrna Halpenny, Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
Distinguished Service Award
The College’s Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding and broad contributions to the profession of dentistry through extensive involvement with the College. This year’s UBC Dentistry-affiliated awardee is:
- Dr. Peter Stevenson-Moore, Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
Award of Merit
The College’s Award of Merit recognizes significant contributions, beyond basic volunteer participation, that have had an impact on the profession of dentistry through involvement with CDSBC. This year it was conferred upon six people, and those with UBC Dentistry affiliations are indicated:
- Dr. Josephine Chung
- Dr. Alexander Hird, Clinical Instructor, UBC Dentistry
- Dr. Francis Ping (anaesthetist)
- Dr. William Rosebush, UBC Dentistry alumnus (DMD 1984), Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
- Dr. Jonathan Suzuki
- Dr. Brian Wong, UBC Dentistry alumnus (DMD 1976), Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
Special Group Award: Minimal and Moderate Sedation Working Group
The College’s Special Group Award was shared by five people, and those with UBC Dentistry affiliations are indicated:
- Dr. Geoff Grant, UBC Dentistry alumnus (DMD 1996), Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
- Dr. Michael Henry
- Dr. David Sowden, UBC Dentistry alumnus (DMD 1998), Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
- Dr. Mark Spurr, Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
- Dr. Bruce Ward, Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Dentistry
Visit the CDSBC awards page >>
Read about these awards winners in the CDSBC program guide (PDF) >>