Information for Internationally-Trained Dentists

The Faculty of Dentistry is not accepting applications to the International Dental Degree Completion Program (IDDCP) until further notice.

For applications to the 4-year DMD program, or to a graduate/postgraduate program please visit the education page for eligibility and information.

Dental Practice in Canada

The possession of a DMD degree does not automatically confer the right to practice dentistry in any province in Canada or to become a permanent resident or citizen of Canada. Each province has a licensing body which grants a license to practice dentistry within its jurisdiction. Inquiries should be directed to:

The Registrar
BC College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP)
110 – 1765 8th Ave W
Vancouver, BC V6J 5C6

or to its counterparts in other provinces. Most provinces will accept for registration the certificate issued by the:

National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB)
80 Elgin Street, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON K1R 6R2 Canada
Tel: (613) 236-5912

NDEB Equivalency Process

The National Dental Examining Board of Canada provides graduates of non-accredited dental programs with route to certification as a dentist in Canada. Candidates wishing to pursue this alternate route should consult this NDEB webpage.