SSPP Dentist Mentor Application Form

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Student Practitioner Program (SSPP) – a unique opportunity for UBC Dentistry students. Since 1982, BC dentists and UBC dental students have participated in this mutually beneficial program, approved by the BC College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP). The SSPP provides incoming fourth-year dental students with an opportunity to experience the day-to-day operations of a private practice.

We are grateful for our continued partnership with four major donors—BC Dental Association, CDSPI, Synergy Business Lawyers, and Scotiabank Healthcare+—who provide summer travel and accommodation expenses for students with placements outside of Metro Vancouver.

We are currently seeking expressions of interest from dentists around BC. To best match you with our students, please tell us about yourself, your team and your practice.

Thank you for supporting the SSPP!

If you have any questions, please contact Student Services at 604-822-7977 or