Combined MSc and Diploma in Prosthodontics Program


The Faculty of Dentistry, through its Division of Prosthodontics and Dental Geriatrics, offers graduate training in Prosthodontics as a three-year program aimed at producing clinical specialists. The program provides education and training for clinicians, researchers and teachers. Achievement of the Diploma in Prosthodontics requires successful completion of the clinical and didactic requirements associated with the diploma program in the Faculty of Dentistry, successful completion of the MSc in Craniofacial Science course requirements, and successful defense and submission of the thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Please note that your supervisor, supervisory committee members and area of research may not necessarily be in the same specialty area of this clinical program.

In this program option, the degree and the diploma are awarded conjointly and both must be completed to graduate. Graduates will be eligible to take the examinations for specialty certification in prosthodontics through NDEB and the American Board of Prosthodontics. Specialty certifications, administration and management of the NDSE for all dental specialty programs is hosted by RCDC (

The deadline for fully documented applications is June 30th for entry the following August.