DH Domestic Student Fees

Projected Costs for 2025

Fees First Year DH Second Year DH Third Year DH Fourth Year DH
Tuition1 (credits x cost) $7,295.16                                     $7,295.16 $7,295.16 $7,295.16
Clinical Practice Education2 $11,423.25 $11,423.25 $11,423.25 $11,423.25
UBC Student Levied Fees3* $1,046.67 $1,046.67 $1,046.67 $1,046.67
Incidental Fee $153.00 $153.00 $153.00 $153.00
Student Health Immunization Review Administration Fee $167.00
Total Required: $20,085.08 $19,918.08 $19,918.08 $19,918.08
Other Related Costs:
CPR Certification $60.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00
Textbooks (estimate) $1,300.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $200.00
Accident Insurance (optional but recommended) $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00
Miscellaneous (padlocks, key deposit, etc) $25.00
Clinic Attire (white shoes, face shield, cloth caps, scrubs) $590.00
Surgical Telescopes and lights $1,750.00
Blood Pressure Monitor $120.00
Pacific Dental Conference Registration Fee $50.00
NDHCB Examination Fee $850.00
Total Optional/Other: $1,982.00 $2,812.00 $1,162.00 $1,162.00


All fees subject to change without notice; this document is intended as a guide for future planning.

1. Confirmed for 2025W by the UBC Board of Governors.

2. Clinic Fee is tax deductible.

3. Students may opt out of certain AMS fees. Please see the UBC Calendar for details.

Projected costs for future years:

AMS Fees

For AMS fees cost breakdown, visit the Student Fees Section in the UBC Calendar.


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