Dr. O’Brien was photographed in the official tartan of the International College of Dentists
Created in 2017 as part of the 100th year of alumni UBC, the Alumni Builder Award recognizes a cross section of alumni representing all faculties who have significantly contributed to the University and enriched the lives of others, and in doing so, have supported alumni UBC’s mission of realizing the promise of a global community.
We’re pleased to announce Ed O’Brien BASc 1970, MASc 1974, DMD 1978 as the Faculty’s 2020-21 award winner. Dr. O’Brien’s life and career have been illuminated by his passion for volunteerism, both within and outside of his chosen profession of dentistry. Numerous accolades celebrate his dedication to improving the lives of young people through mentorship, and his tireless advocacy work on behalf of the profession of dentistry.